139 South 3rd Street, Suite A, Coshocton, Ohio, 43812


Learn how annuities secure your future comfort by establishing a reliable source of income for your retirement.

About Annuities

An annuity is a type of investment you make with an insurance company. It helps you build a steady income for retirement, similar to creating your own pension or retirement fund. We offer three types of annuities including Deferred, Immediate, and Indexed Annuities.

Deferred Annuities

Deferred Annuities are designed to build savings overtime. To start, you invest a lump sum or pay monthly premiums to your insurance company. Then, the insurance company issues you regular payments for a specific period of time. Your investment grows on a tax-deferred basis, giving you the opportunity to reinvest your interest to potentially generate more wealth.

Benefits of Deferred Annuities

If you are considering investing in a deferred annuity, here are some of the benefits:

Immediate Annuities

Immediate Annuities are designed for those who need to collect income straight away. You invest a lump sum with your insurance company. Then, you begin to receive regularly scheduled payments you can rely on without a waiting period. This option is good for those who are retired or near retirement.

Benefits of Immediate Annuities

If you are considering investing in an immediate annuity, here are some of the benefits:

Indexed Annuities

Indexed Annuities are based on the performance of the stock market, such as the S&P 500 or NASDAQ. Unlike traditional invest options, indexed annuities offer a guaranteed minimum interest rate, making this a safer investment option. While you are protected from the risk of loss, indexed annuities normally have a cap on the maximum gains you can earn in a period.

Benefits of Indexed Annuities

If you are considering investing in an indexed annuity, here are some of the benefits:

Annuity Resources

For more information about annuities, check out our latest blog posts.

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